Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kate Gosselin will have Her Story : Special Episode.

TLC is reportedly planning a one her special for  Kate Gosselin,  states Entertainment Tonight . kate will sit down with today show correspondent Natalie Morales, next Monday Evening. It is reported that the one- on- one interview with the mother of  eight “will get the real story . TLC has also confirmed that there other episodes that will air in November .

Kate: Her Story will air on TLC on November 2. Wishing kate and the Gosselin kids much success

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kids can really make your day -check this one

He had no business putting his finger in "charlie's" mouth . This is so harlarious

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nicole Welcomes Sparrow Madden

It’s been about six weeks that we  welcomed Sparrow  James Midnight Madden ,the newest member to Nicole Ritchie and Dad Joel Madden along with cute big sister  21-month-old daughter Harlow.
"I couldn't be happier," Richie tells PEOPLE. "The only thing you want is for your kids to be healthy and happy, and they are. I'm right where I belong."  Ritchie,  who’s famous dad is Lionel Ritchie. Grand dad and family are happy that they have a new addition to the family and feel complete.
Big sister ,Harlow, “Is so glad to have a baby brother”, States Nicole.  Joel Madden, frontman Of the Band “ Good Charlotte”, states Harlow is very gentle with him.  We wish the family well !

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Activites For Baby's First Month!

Now, your baby is a month old and you want to introduce new activity's . Your baby will show some excitement each time you introduce new things. Here, are cognitive /Fine Motor skills that will help your baby The Eyes Have It. Your baby is learning to focus his eyes on things that are probably 10 inches away from his face. Try using your face this is best . You can do this while feeding,dressing,taking a bath,or just playing. Add Shapes On The Wall. When you add shapes on the wall , at this time your baby is interested in shapes of pictures. Watch to see if he is interested . You can point to the picture to get his attention . Hold object 10 inches away . When going for a walk, point out things and tell your baby what thay are. Please give your baby time to focus and make out what he is looking at. Look in a book ,or a magazine, look at interesting things such as colors,shapes and tell them what they are. Even walking around your home and pointing out objects and telling your baby what they are is another great way for your baby to learn. Helping your baby getting a grip on objects are another way to help with holding skills. Helping your baby learn to hold his toys or bottle will help them to grasp objects. You know when they start to hold things, here goes the hair grabbing and putting everything to their mouths (smile). Cuddling your baby is no crime. Everyone needs to be cuddled from time to time, babies need it a little more though. Cuddling is great and you bond real well with your baby . So take time out and bond and enjoy your little one .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kids Say The Darnest Things.

I almost wet my cloths when I saw this one . What comes out of the mouths of children .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kids can really make your day -check this one

The new American Idol. This child show's so much passion you can't help but smile and say ahhhh!