Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are You Ready For The New Baby ?

Well the time is drawing near and the baby is on it's way. Are you prepared? There is a lot of preparing to do before baby comes. Most of us are ready and can't wait to see the baby. That new beautiful baby that your carrying. Does he or she look like me, or will it look like my husband? so many thoughts race through your mind. If this is your first baby, you will want to make sure that you have done everything possible to have a healthy baby. Did you go to all your prenatal visits or reschedule any of them. Were you eating the right meals and taking your prenatal vitamins ? These are important steps to a healthy pregnancy. By having good prenatal visits your provider can catch problems early and prevent complications , this is why having good prenatal visits are best. Your provider will also help you decide on which birth control method you can use . also as a reminder always ask your doctor on what pain medication is available for you if you are in need. Childbirth is not pain free only if your on the drugs that your doctor just gave ya. there is some discomfort involved (that's why they have morphine and your mates hand ) But you will be okay your a trooper! I guess that you already had your surprise baby shower. You received a lot of gifts. Things that you really need. You won't be getting to many things for yourself so don't look for anything. It seems like people just forget about you after you have the baby . All gifts are for the baby. I remember when I had my baby shower and no it was not a surprise not with the friends I have. I had fun all the same though . I just got so many things like blankets, bibs, (you can't get enough bibs) diapers, bottles, clothes even shoes. None for me. I was just looking maybe for a pair of bed slippers or a gown to take to the hospital or something but nothing for me. I noticed that someone bought me a new stroller. A new car would be nice. All the same I did say to myself this stuff is for me I don't have to buy any of this stuff boy, was I happy . Did you know that most hospitals offer Lamaze classes. Lamaze is when you have training in the birthing process with breathing and focusing on your contractions. They also show you how to change a baby and feed a baby . These are good classes for you and your mate to go to. Many hospitals do offer tours of the maternity ward. It is best to have this tour and get familiar with the staff and see how things are done. By doing this you won't be alarmed by anything. Having a baby can be a little frightening at times. Make sure when going back for your prenatal visit ,to ask your doctor ,that you would like to know about c-section, how this is done and what is the healing time, and the do's and don'ts. Well are you ready now ? Are your bags packed yet ? Here is a list of things that you can pack for you and your little one or ones(you might be having multiples) I thought I would throw that one in for a laugh then again the jokes on me . Here's the list of items that you will need for your baby's first weeks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