Sunday, July 5, 2009

Having A Great Pool party !

Children, as well as adults love pool parties. If you don't have a pool you can use a Sprinkler system.
  1. Step 1
    Invitation to a pool party  Yeah !
    Invitation to a pool party Yeah !

    When throwing a pool party ,you must be prepared. Make sure that the pool is clean and disinfected. Make sure, that who ever will be attending that they bring proper swimwear,goggles,extra clothing. Oh and by the way, playing in the pool ,or sprinklers, makes you hungry so have extra food.

  2. Step 2
    Sprinklers are fun and safe too.
    Sprinklers are fun and safe too.

    If your not sure about children getting into the pool, you can get a sprinkler set. There are many different kinds, and children do love the sprinkler. Walmart carries all kinds of water fun filled toys. There is one that looks like a giant beach ball. You hook this up to your garden hose and it squirts out water out of the tiny holes, kids love it . It's safe and you don't have to worry about the kids harming themselves.

  3. Step 3
    time to go home see ya next time
    time to go home see ya next time

    Children love to play with the super soaker. You can have teams and who ever wins get a prize. The older children love these type of games and there's the water balloon race, lets not forget that one. Last but not least, children love bubbles, every body loves bubbles ,I love bubbles! This is a favorite past time for the young and old. There are all kinds of bubble kits. Now, when everyone has settled down and they are hungry, they can all sit down and eat. After the energy has left the little ankle biters , you can do story time. This is great for the wind down time . Now off they go into the sunset , that's home! and they will remember the great fun they had over at your house. Be Well !

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