Friday, September 18, 2009

Helping your child believe in themselves!

Helping our children believe in themselves is a tough job. Most kids tend to follow others who don't display good manners. There are some who can and will display good behavior's . Children who watch a lot of television , often watch shows that are not good for them to watch. We have to spend time with our kids. Let's turn off the T.V. for once and grab a book. Encourage your child to read . Have them tell you what they just read and to explain it in detail. This stimulates the brain and your kid will be happy to share this info with you. Kids , love to be read to. A whole new world unfolds for them. I from the ole' school. We did not have all these gadgets that they have now. We would play jacks,hopscotch,double dutch. All those games that involved a group of our friends. Anybody, could play and join in on the fun. Dodge ball was another great game as well as hide and go seek. These days, kids are lazy . They don't know about these games. They know a lot about other things that are really not that important. Let's talk to our kids and show them how to be children again and not to grow up so fast. They can be anything they want to be. It will take some hard work and determination and self discipline. Most of all , our love and prayers !

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