Monday, June 8, 2009

Does your Child Suffer From Depression ?

Parents know the warning signs of childhood and teen depression and how to get your child the help that youngster needs. Childhood and teen depression can be very painful for the your child and the family. Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 33 children and 1 in 8 teenagers suffer from depression. Evidence has shown that even your pre-school can show signs of depression. A parent may notice in the child's behavior and be worried. This can be challenging to a parent who may not know why their child is lashing out. most kids will stay in bed, bouts of crying and for no reason. This can start as young as 10 years of age. Some may talk about suicide and act them out. If you, the parent, are wondering if your child is at risk for depression answer these questions Did you know that depression tends to run in your family ? This is suggesting that there may be a genetic disorder. Did you have anything major happen in your life that may have effected your child , such as a divorce,sexual abuse, even emotional abuse. When you lose someone by death that has a big impact as well. Sometimes when you we have relocate to another city or state can have your child feel depressed. There are so many reasons why. Check these signs to see if your little one are going through. Loss of interest in daily or regular activities Frequent and persistent depressed mood swings Change of weight and your child's appetite that you notice Child has a change in their sleep pattern(sleeping to much or less Has no energy all felling tired feeling of worthlessness blaming ones self (guilt) loss of concentration can't concentrate (focus at all) If you notice any of these signs you need to take immediate attention and act fast!

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