Friday, June 12, 2009

TO Arrange or Not To Arrange That is the Question

Your baby probably like to stack blocks one on top another. This is something new for them and interesting for you too. You love how your baby is starting to develop and watching them grow is so amazing, no wonder your always snapping shots of your little one. Babys tend to grow right before your eyes and then their off to college and married and such . This why you want to savor every moment. teaching your baby how to build self -esteem and motor skills is your job. You have to plant these skills in them. Children usually mock what they see and hear what you do. Be careful, your little one may blurp out something that you dont want to hear. I have had this happen to me before. Very Embrassing I might say. Children like to take things out of your purse . So dont carry any pens or objects that you dont want your child to get . give your baby a shoe box and let him place some of his toys in them. Most 10 to 12 month babys love to play games and explore and pour things from one to another.You can use stackable measuring cups and a large container and have a wonderful play time. now that little manny is walking , you can teach him how to roll the ball or how to kick it. Try showing him and he will follow along and you'll be surprised at how he masters this skill. playing peek-a-boo is the all time favorite. Children love it when you hide your face and then surprise . They get a kick out of that. Bathing time.. If your baby loves to play in the water be careful , most babys if they can stand tend to stand ! They dont' want to sit that's for the birds. Older babies want to stand up and splash water all over the place , even grap your hair pat the shower curtain (never leave your baby unattended in the bath not even for a second). You want to have fun , not call 911 for heavens sake. Pile up some plastic bottles and toys and watch your baby have a fun filled bath. When done with the bath drain all the toys and plastics in a collander and have ready for the nesxt bath time. Have Fun Be Well!

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