Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I only love you when you give me cookies ,Mom

This three-year-old tells his mom he only loves her when she gives him cookies. Then he tells her he doesn't love our own all the time. The things kids say enjoy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Teacher Cuts Braid Off!

This is some mad mess. A teacher gets frustrated and cuts of a little girls braid , now that is foul really foul! newsone has the details.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Airline Price Rises on Lap Babies!

When traveling with the family, it is fun. If you are traveling by air it gets to be pretty expensive. If you have smaller children most likely you will have an infant or child that has to be in your lap. To keep the baby under 2 on your lap, most airlines are charging ,about 10% of the ticket. It was also reported from a source that a fee for oxygen mask were being taken. Why would you charge for oxygen masks? It seems that the price that we already payed for airline tickets would cover this. While most babies fly free domestically, it is standard for international flights to maybe charge at least 10% according to Mike Fredrico of fare Maybe this could be the next way the airlines are looking to make more money? If you want to check out more on traveling with children there is a website called and the author is Kim Orlando, she started this website for those people traveling with younger children. Happy flying!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Like mom. Young scary spice.

What was Mel B, "scary spice" from the girl group "The spice Girls" doing to her daughters head . This is comedian Eddie Muphey's daughter they had together. Well tell me what you really really want.

1234 all in an uproar !

These quads were having a time . I don't want to hear it when they are crying . This is so funny .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kate Gosselin will have Her Story : Special Episode.

TLC is reportedly planning a one her special for  Kate Gosselin,  states Entertainment Tonight . kate will sit down with today show correspondent Natalie Morales, next Monday Evening. It is reported that the one- on- one interview with the mother of  eight “will get the real story . TLC has also confirmed that there other episodes that will air in November .

Kate: Her Story will air on TLC on November 2. Wishing kate and the Gosselin kids much success

Friday, October 23, 2009

Kids can really make your day -check this one

He had no business putting his finger in "charlie's" mouth . This is so harlarious

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nicole Welcomes Sparrow Madden

It’s been about six weeks that we  welcomed Sparrow  James Midnight Madden ,the newest member to Nicole Ritchie and Dad Joel Madden along with cute big sister  21-month-old daughter Harlow.
"I couldn't be happier," Richie tells PEOPLE. "The only thing you want is for your kids to be healthy and happy, and they are. I'm right where I belong."  Ritchie,  who’s famous dad is Lionel Ritchie. Grand dad and family are happy that they have a new addition to the family and feel complete.
Big sister ,Harlow, “Is so glad to have a baby brother”, States Nicole.  Joel Madden, frontman Of the Band “ Good Charlotte”, states Harlow is very gentle with him.  We wish the family well !

Friday, October 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Activites For Baby's First Month!

Now, your baby is a month old and you want to introduce new activity's . Your baby will show some excitement each time you introduce new things. Here, are cognitive /Fine Motor skills that will help your baby The Eyes Have It. Your baby is learning to focus his eyes on things that are probably 10 inches away from his face. Try using your face this is best . You can do this while feeding,dressing,taking a bath,or just playing. Add Shapes On The Wall. When you add shapes on the wall , at this time your baby is interested in shapes of pictures. Watch to see if he is interested . You can point to the picture to get his attention . Hold object 10 inches away . When going for a walk, point out things and tell your baby what thay are. Please give your baby time to focus and make out what he is looking at. Look in a book ,or a magazine, look at interesting things such as colors,shapes and tell them what they are. Even walking around your home and pointing out objects and telling your baby what they are is another great way for your baby to learn. Helping your baby getting a grip on objects are another way to help with holding skills. Helping your baby learn to hold his toys or bottle will help them to grasp objects. You know when they start to hold things, here goes the hair grabbing and putting everything to their mouths (smile). Cuddling your baby is no crime. Everyone needs to be cuddled from time to time, babies need it a little more though. Cuddling is great and you bond real well with your baby . So take time out and bond and enjoy your little one .

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kids Say The Darnest Things.

I almost wet my cloths when I saw this one . What comes out of the mouths of children .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kids can really make your day -check this one

The new American Idol. This child show's so much passion you can't help but smile and say ahhhh!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What To do If Your child Has Head Lice.

Parents, if you have a child between the ages of 3 to 11 years of age , the problem of head lice may pose a problem. That's the age span when most are often infected by those pesky parasitic insects. These insects are often transferred by someone who, has head lice and spreads them by sharing combs, hats etc. Head lice are a common problem . It is estimated that 12 million to 20 million people are infested each year in the United States alone. Wondering what are head lice ? Head lice are tiny insects with claws that grab at your hair shaft. Head lice are usually found near the scalp in children's hair as well as some adults. These insects, can dwell around the eyebrows and eyelashes . Head lice do bite and it causes an allergic reaction such as itching. The eggs of head lice , called nits, are found mostly at the hair shaft often mistaken as dandruff. As nits , grow into head lice the take on the size of a small grain mainly, a sesame seed. Did you know by feeding on human blood head lice can live up to a month on your head , especially a child. They tend to die off in about 2 days after falling off of a person. How are head lice spread? Head lice are passed from person to person , clothing. Children often share things and the infected child will pass it on. It's almost like catching a cold . You can prevent your child from catching head lice by educating your child not to share clothing,combs,or other objects such as towels,brushes,stuffed animals, pillows. Check your child each day for any unusual scratching near the head. Wash your child's hair every week if possible. Children love to play in the playground and there are all kinds of germs and pesky insects lurking about. So after your is finish playing outdoor that is the best time to check. Head lice move away from light and you will see them . If your unsure that your child may have head lice, you can check with your child's health provider or school nurse. There are plenty of over the counter solutions that will help your remove the nits in your child's hair. Also , please was their bedding ,clothing ,stuffed animals in hot water. If your child shares a bed with an sibling, please treat them as well.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Helping your child believe in themselves!

Helping our children believe in themselves is a tough job. Most kids tend to follow others who don't display good manners. There are some who can and will display good behavior's . Children who watch a lot of television , often watch shows that are not good for them to watch. We have to spend time with our kids. Let's turn off the T.V. for once and grab a book. Encourage your child to read . Have them tell you what they just read and to explain it in detail. This stimulates the brain and your kid will be happy to share this info with you. Kids , love to be read to. A whole new world unfolds for them. I from the ole' school. We did not have all these gadgets that they have now. We would play jacks,hopscotch,double dutch. All those games that involved a group of our friends. Anybody, could play and join in on the fun. Dodge ball was another great game as well as hide and go seek. These days, kids are lazy . They don't know about these games. They know a lot about other things that are really not that important. Let's talk to our kids and show them how to be children again and not to grow up so fast. They can be anything they want to be. It will take some hard work and determination and self discipline. Most of all , our love and prayers !

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Childrens Spot: Having A Great Pool party !

The Childrens Spot: Having A Great Pool party ! Shared via AddThis

Having A Great Pool party !

Children, as well as adults love pool parties. If you don't have a pool you can use a Sprinkler system.
  1. Step 1
    Invitation to a pool party  Yeah !
    Invitation to a pool party Yeah !

    When throwing a pool party ,you must be prepared. Make sure that the pool is clean and disinfected. Make sure, that who ever will be attending that they bring proper swimwear,goggles,extra clothing. Oh and by the way, playing in the pool ,or sprinklers, makes you hungry so have extra food.

  2. Step 2
    Sprinklers are fun and safe too.
    Sprinklers are fun and safe too.

    If your not sure about children getting into the pool, you can get a sprinkler set. There are many different kinds, and children do love the sprinkler. Walmart carries all kinds of water fun filled toys. There is one that looks like a giant beach ball. You hook this up to your garden hose and it squirts out water out of the tiny holes, kids love it . It's safe and you don't have to worry about the kids harming themselves.

  3. Step 3
    time to go home see ya next time
    time to go home see ya next time

    Children love to play with the super soaker. You can have teams and who ever wins get a prize. The older children love these type of games and there's the water balloon race, lets not forget that one. Last but not least, children love bubbles, every body loves bubbles ,I love bubbles! This is a favorite past time for the young and old. There are all kinds of bubble kits. Now, when everyone has settled down and they are hungry, they can all sit down and eat. After the energy has left the little ankle biters , you can do story time. This is great for the wind down time . Now off they go into the sunset , that's home! and they will remember the great fun they had over at your house. Be Well !

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Daddy Knows His Baby, A story about Dad

Getting to know your baby ,is one of the most rewarding ,satisfying, experiences that you will ever have in your life time. Your children are your pride and joy . No one can be more prouder, than the new dad and mom. Dad's are special people too. He is always around to take care of you. He is the rock of your home.

Most dad's are not in their children's lives, but those that are, I tip my hat off to you. Dad needs credit for their support and love that they show their families. Children always love to share things with their dad. There is a special bond when dad holds his new baby. Dad's can be very naturing to their little one's . A child who has a great dad makes that dad proud. He is so proud that he dotes on his children.

A dad who has known his baby well has learned that he can feed his baby, he knows how to comfort his baby. Dad's know how to stay calm when baby is screaming on top of their lungs. He will always know the routine,when to nap,eat,bathe,and to recognize that baby is sick and when to get baby to the doctor.

Dad's are just great ! We love them and need to show them, that we appreciate them. Dad's love to play with their children, it bonds them together. So let's give dad a big hand and show him how we love and care for him young or old he's still dad. Good Luck

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Choosing The Best Toys And Keeping Clean !

Step1 make sure toys are colorful and safe Do you know what kinds of toys that are best for your baby? There are so many choices these days, each store has their own brand of toys that they carry. It is so hard to choose from. You want to choose the right ones and make sure that they are safe. When choosing toys , check the box and to see if this is recommended for your baby. Avoid toys that have small pieces, making it easy ,for child to swallow and choke. Step2 Riding a bike is fun and you get plenty of exercise Most children like bicycle' s. They are so excited when they get their first bike. Almost like getting your first car. (you know the feeling). A Bicycle can be dangerous ,if your child doesn't know bike safety. It is very important that you teach them this. Step3 You can make your own cleaning solution If you have a baby and have an older child you notice that they all don't like to play with the same toys. So when choosing toys for your children make sure that you know what they may like to play with . Just as long it is safe. When cleaning toys, make sure that you clean them with a safe cleaning agent. I like to use vinegar and plain water. You can use bleach , but make sure that you use very little of it . Try and keep it green ! Another thing that you can do is also use is peroxide . This solution cleans very well. Make sure you rinse well Step4 blowing bubbles are favorite of all ages Last but not least, a favorite past time. Bubbles ! Everyone loves bubbles. They can bring a children's party to life. It is very easy and you can make your own. Be careful when blowing bubbles, soap does tend, to get in the eyes. well have fun choosing your babies toys and activities.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to Make Money Selling Your Children's Clothing

Children grow fast, as soon as you buy clothing next you notice that they are too tight or small. If you have a family member or a friend that doesn't mind hand me downs then your in luck. You can , if you choose to sell the clothes or do a yard sale. Here are some tip for making money reselling your children's clothing whether their old or outgrown. Children's clothing can change size with the change of many seasons. Sometimes children don't even get to wear some clothing because they have outgrown them . Most times it's too late to return these items and you feel all is lost . Not even, you can do a yard sale or even go to the flea market your area. Most people like to go to the flea market and buy. This is the place for great deals. There are many resale shops that are in your area as well. most will buy the clothing from you as long as they appear in good condition. These shops specialize in clothing, baby shoes, toddler shoes, to winter ,summer clothing Consignment shops also accept children's clothing for resale, but will be looking for high-end and designer labels that are worth holding in the store. Consignment shops are the ideal place like children formal wear such as, communion dresses dresses and such. Where ever you decide on where to resell your children clothing your sure that you will find a good deal .
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Friday, June 12, 2009

TO Arrange or Not To Arrange That is the Question

Your baby probably like to stack blocks one on top another. This is something new for them and interesting for you too. You love how your baby is starting to develop and watching them grow is so amazing, no wonder your always snapping shots of your little one. Babys tend to grow right before your eyes and then their off to college and married and such . This why you want to savor every moment. teaching your baby how to build self -esteem and motor skills is your job. You have to plant these skills in them. Children usually mock what they see and hear what you do. Be careful, your little one may blurp out something that you dont want to hear. I have had this happen to me before. Very Embrassing I might say. Children like to take things out of your purse . So dont carry any pens or objects that you dont want your child to get . give your baby a shoe box and let him place some of his toys in them. Most 10 to 12 month babys love to play games and explore and pour things from one to another.You can use stackable measuring cups and a large container and have a wonderful play time. now that little manny is walking , you can teach him how to roll the ball or how to kick it. Try showing him and he will follow along and you'll be surprised at how he masters this skill. playing peek-a-boo is the all time favorite. Children love it when you hide your face and then surprise . They get a kick out of that. Bathing time.. If your baby loves to play in the water be careful , most babys if they can stand tend to stand ! They dont' want to sit that's for the birds. Older babies want to stand up and splash water all over the place , even grap your hair pat the shower curtain (never leave your baby unattended in the bath not even for a second). You want to have fun , not call 911 for heavens sake. Pile up some plastic bottles and toys and watch your baby have a fun filled bath. When done with the bath drain all the toys and plastics in a collander and have ready for the nesxt bath time. Have Fun Be Well!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Does your Child Suffer From Depression ?

Parents know the warning signs of childhood and teen depression and how to get your child the help that youngster needs. Childhood and teen depression can be very painful for the your child and the family. Studies have shown that as many as 1 in 33 children and 1 in 8 teenagers suffer from depression. Evidence has shown that even your pre-school can show signs of depression. A parent may notice in the child's behavior and be worried. This can be challenging to a parent who may not know why their child is lashing out. most kids will stay in bed, bouts of crying and for no reason. This can start as young as 10 years of age. Some may talk about suicide and act them out. If you, the parent, are wondering if your child is at risk for depression answer these questions Did you know that depression tends to run in your family ? This is suggesting that there may be a genetic disorder. Did you have anything major happen in your life that may have effected your child , such as a divorce,sexual abuse, even emotional abuse. When you lose someone by death that has a big impact as well. Sometimes when you we have relocate to another city or state can have your child feel depressed. There are so many reasons why. Check these signs to see if your little one are going through. Loss of interest in daily or regular activities Frequent and persistent depressed mood swings Change of weight and your child's appetite that you notice Child has a change in their sleep pattern(sleeping to much or less Has no energy all felling tired feeling of worthlessness blaming ones self (guilt) loss of concentration can't concentrate (focus at all) If you notice any of these signs you need to take immediate attention and act fast!

Friday, June 5, 2009

How to Bathe Your Newborn

This article is to help new moms with the bathing process of their newborn. # Step 1 Congratulations you are home with your newborn . Now you have that wonderful job of bathing your beautiful baby. It may seem hard at first but it gets very easy. First, you must have all the necessary items at hand when bathing the baby. You know the good stuff like the towel, soap, bathcloth,ect . These items are readily ready when done. It keeps you from looking all over the place . You will first wipe baby's eyes from the starting point by the nose and then, proceed to outer eye. Mom make sure that this water is temperature safe and no soap added. Now you will proceed to clean the outer ear . Now you can wash his head . You do this by doing the football hold .This method works well . Mom make sure you have the towel ready . Now you can add some baby shampoo to his scalp. While you getting your baby for his first bath you can play some soothing music . I'm telling ya they love it. After you finish washing his head dry completely and talk to him they love that as well. # Step 2 Now that baby had his first bath, you now will dry off real good . You should clean his umbilical cord using alcohol. Just lift cord slightly and wipe gently with a Q-tip. Cord will fall off soon with each diaper change . Also, be careful with circumcision if baby is a boy. # Step 3 If you are adding powder to baby's skin . Shake powder in one hand and apply powder with other. This will help keep powder dust from chocking baby.Make sure diaper is fitting well and from keeping the umbilical cord from rubbing against diaper. There you finally finished, whew ! that was a task but as time goes by you will have mastered this new job step 4 I bet you your little one is probably hungry by now or sleepy. So go ahead and do what you do best and that is loving your baby and giving him the best care. Good luck !

The Childrens Spot: leaving Your Child In A hot Vehicle A mom's Tragedy

The Childrens Spot: leaving Your Child In A hot Vehicle A mom's Tragedy Shared via AddThis

leaving Your Child In A hot Vehicle A mom's Tragedy

The weather is starting to get really hot now and parents we need to be careful in leaving our children in hot vehicle's. 40 Children ,have died in heat related tragedies this year in South Carolina . Children are being left alone in cars in 90 degree weather. We don't know why would someone leave their child in the car by themselves. It just makes no sense. A baby ,or toddler can't watch themselves. You have to thinks about what you are doing. Always take your baby out of the car even if your gonna be gone for a split minute. The state of Tennessee said, they They are checking 500 daycare centers to keep from accidentally locking children in vans.They are looking into this matter. We have seen a few tragedies this year alone. If it is 90 degrees outside , it will take 20 minutes to reach 119degrees and in 30 minutes it will be 124 degrees and in 60 minutes it will become 133 degrees. Parents this is not right have some common sense. Here are some safety tips that can help. 1. Never never ever leave your child in a vehicle by themselves. 2. If you have to stop and pump for gas leave the door unlocked just in case you have to grab your child for safety reasons. 3.Always keep car serviced , make sure air conditioner is working. 4.Keep water and extra cloths for your trip. 5.Always have someone responsible with you if this is feasible.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to Check For Playground Safety

Parents let's check our playgrounds for safety. Following some basic safety measures can help our children have lots of fun and play safe.When checking out your neighborhood playground, make sure that it has a soft surface under the play equipment. Most playgrounds have , sand, and rubber matting. Check playground equipment before you let your child play on them. If the weather is hot out, so will equipment be hot to touch . This can cause your child to get burned.# Older children should be closely supervised when playing on the equipment from the younger one. Older children tend to be rough and don't care to much about the smaller ones. Children love to swing, swings should be made from soft and flexible material. Look over and make sure that there is no holes in the material. They have different types of swings to accommodate your child. Your child should be able to sit in a swing that has holes to put their legs into. They can use this until they are ready to sit on a standard swing. Teach your child to hold on with both hands. Never have 2 or more on the same swing. Teach your child that he should never run in front of a swing when someone is using it. There have been many accidents that have happened while not watching your child. All children love the seesaw. It's fun going up and down, but sometimes you have that child, that will jump off and have your child fly cross the playground. This also is very dangerous and can put your child in harms way. Make sure that you child has similar weight as the next child .Children love to take their bike's to the park. Does you child know anything about bicycle safety ? Teach them not to ride in the sand , or around broken glass. make sure they have a safety helmet on that is fitted. Also make sure that your children don't wear any jewelry while at play. Their clothing should be fitted properly with any strings loose and attached, this can cause injury if this should get caught in the playground equipment. also make sure that your child has his shoes tied , this will keep him from tripping over himself.

The Childrens Spot

The Childrens Spot Shared via AddThis

Buying A Baby Stroller Do's And Don'ts

Girl , strollers are a moms best friend. There is no way that you want to carry around your little one all the time. Choosing a good stroller is hard work , You want to make sure that you choose a stroller that would be a convenience than an inconvenience. Most new moms will more than likely get a stroller at her baby shower. You ,the mom ,want to make sure that this is the type you want (so put this in your registry list) . Many strollers are available to match your lifestyle. You should think about why you want this type and look for a model that fits your needs and your baby's . Safety should be your first priority and how stable the stroller can be. Before buying check to see if the stroller of your choice has steady wheels, enough room for the diaper bag and make sure if the stroller will remain upright when your putting extra weight on the handles. You don't want your baby tipping over . Make sure that your stroller have a five point harness this is the best. This is best especially if you have an infant who stays in the stroller a lot. Also, look for pinch points and the sharp corners. You have to do a thorougher search Try walking your stroller through the store , many stores have a display. If your a taller person look for adjustable height handles. Check out the wheels and make sure they turn smoothly. You would think that your buying a car right ! Well in a sense you are , but for the little one. (your child can never say that you haven't bought them their first ride.) Good luck

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are You Ready For The New Baby ?

Well the time is drawing near and the baby is on it's way. Are you prepared? There is a lot of preparing to do before baby comes. Most of us are ready and can't wait to see the baby. That new beautiful baby that your carrying. Does he or she look like me, or will it look like my husband? so many thoughts race through your mind. If this is your first baby, you will want to make sure that you have done everything possible to have a healthy baby. Did you go to all your prenatal visits or reschedule any of them. Were you eating the right meals and taking your prenatal vitamins ? These are important steps to a healthy pregnancy. By having good prenatal visits your provider can catch problems early and prevent complications , this is why having good prenatal visits are best. Your provider will also help you decide on which birth control method you can use . also as a reminder always ask your doctor on what pain medication is available for you if you are in need. Childbirth is not pain free only if your on the drugs that your doctor just gave ya. there is some discomfort involved (that's why they have morphine and your mates hand ) But you will be okay your a trooper! I guess that you already had your surprise baby shower. You received a lot of gifts. Things that you really need. You won't be getting to many things for yourself so don't look for anything. It seems like people just forget about you after you have the baby . All gifts are for the baby. I remember when I had my baby shower and no it was not a surprise not with the friends I have. I had fun all the same though . I just got so many things like blankets, bibs, (you can't get enough bibs) diapers, bottles, clothes even shoes. None for me. I was just looking maybe for a pair of bed slippers or a gown to take to the hospital or something but nothing for me. I noticed that someone bought me a new stroller. A new car would be nice. All the same I did say to myself this stuff is for me I don't have to buy any of this stuff boy, was I happy . Did you know that most hospitals offer Lamaze classes. Lamaze is when you have training in the birthing process with breathing and focusing on your contractions. They also show you how to change a baby and feed a baby . These are good classes for you and your mate to go to. Many hospitals do offer tours of the maternity ward. It is best to have this tour and get familiar with the staff and see how things are done. By doing this you won't be alarmed by anything. Having a baby can be a little frightening at times. Make sure when going back for your prenatal visit ,to ask your doctor ,that you would like to know about c-section, how this is done and what is the healing time, and the do's and don'ts. Well are you ready now ? Are your bags packed yet ? Here is a list of things that you can pack for you and your little one or ones(you might be having multiples) I thought I would throw that one in for a laugh then again the jokes on me . Here's the list of items that you will need for your baby's first weeks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

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A prayer for our little ones.

Dear lord as I pray to you thank you for my little one . Thanking you all for the times that we have and had. There is no greater love than yours our father. Thanking you for giving us our children and just watching them grow. We pray that you keep them close in the cradle of your stronge hands dear jesus. In these things we pray in jesus name Amen and Amen !